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#171 Baseball Cap


This is a baseball cap with brim. The hat is drafted based on the Hat Circumference and Hat Over Head measurements.

The Head Ease should be adjusted for fuller hair or a looser fit.  The over head measurement can also be adjusted with ease.

You can change how far out the brim extends with the Brim Depth option. You can change the shape of the cap to fit your head better with the optional Head Shape choices. 



All Types & Ages


The drafting instructions for this pattern were derived from a YouTube video from Stitching Vulture.

Although he recommends a different video for construction, I didn't particularly care for it. Instead, I recommend that you watch his newsboy construction video. The techniques are nearly identical and he is a much better instructor.

Required Measurements

  • Hat Circumference
  • Hat Over Head
  • Height

Basic measurements Detailed measurements